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Festival Updates

Since our incredible sold out and award winning premier at Cinequest, many of you have been asking if we will be having a screening in our home city of San Francisco and if we submitted to the Frameline Film Festival.

We had very high hopes that our S.F. premiere screening would take place at the Frameline Film Festival, so we are extremely disappointment to share that we were not selected by the festival.

But, this film is just too “S.F.” not to have a local premiere screening. This film was not only made by an entirely local crew but about Ghazwan, a man who fought extremely hard to rebuild his life here after deep personal sacrifice and loss. A man who has contributed a great deal to this wonderful city.

Since his arrival in 2008, his culinary delights have provided nourishment to thousands of residents, from every background – many of whose resources and health have been at great risk. His early years in San Francisco were spent working at Project Open Hand, a nonprofit organization that provides meals with love to critically ill neighbors and seniors.

More recently Ghazwan has become the Chef for Stop Hunger‘s annual fundraising dinner. In the last 14 years, these dinners alone have raised a total of $109,000 in the fight against hunger! Chef G will be serving his delicacies at this years event again in August!

In addition to this AND his full-time job as Executive Chef at the Channing House Retirement Community, this year he will also be the chef for the Saffron Road Cycle Team participating in the AIDS Lifecycle Ride as well as the chef for Rainbow Street‘s and The LGBT Asylum Project‘s upcoming fundraisers!

Ghazwan also founded the wildly popular Asheq, a bi-monthly dance party celebrating the Middle East and North Africa Queer community.

These are just a few examples of many. In spite of his countless struggles and in face of extreme adversity, he has always chosen to give back to his communities instead of turning inward.

So, hang tight. We don’t have a date yet and it may take us some time, but we WILL celebrate this important man and his story with our community by hosting a San Francisco premiere screening!

We are going to need all the help we can get! If you are interested in volunteering to help organize our S.F. Premiere event, we would love to hear from you! Please email our Associate Producer Kat Cole @ katreneecole@gmail.com.

We look forward to celebrating with you all!