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Best Documentary Award!

This past weekend was full of exciting SOLD OUT screenings at the Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival and the Sonoma International Film Festival. Thank you to everyone who joined us at the screenings and to everyone who worked to make these festivals such a success! Extra special thanks to our hosts Gary & Claudia!

We’re excited to announce that we’ve been awarded our 5th award!  The qFlix Philadelphia Film Festival honored us with the Jury Award for Best Documentary!

All of us found this film to be an original, powerfully told, complex and compelling story, and it came full circle for us. It received the highest overall score among the categories.

qFlix Philadelphia jurors

We’re honored to receive this award, and so happy that Ghazwan’s story continues to be shared with our communities nationwide.

Today, we are heading up to the Ashland Independent Film Festival for 5 consecutive screenings in Oregon! This is our official Oregon Premiere and we are thrilled to be having it with AIFF. The communication, hospitality and organization has been above and beyond so far! We can’t wait to meet the AIFF team, participate in our Q&As and catch some great films! If you’re nearby, please join us!

Three of the five screenings are already at Rush! Meaning the shows are SOLD OUT but some tickets will be available at the door on a first-come-first-serve bases. 

And behind the scenes, we’ve been working closely with legal students from the University of California, and are happy to highlight their work and incredible contributions to the film below.

Erin Palmquist and the From Baghdad to The Bay Team


4/11 – 4/15 | 5 screenings! Ashland Independent Film Festival, Oregon
With Director Erin Palmquist.

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Interested in hosting a screening in your city?
Please reach out. We would love to help make this happen.