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Author: Erin Palmquist

We’re Back in Oakland!

We're elated to be bringing the film back to Oakland, CA., as part of the Oakland International Film Festival! From Baghdad to The Bay has real roots in this city! Ghazwan spent the first year of his life in the U.S. living in Oakland, Director Erin Palmquist has lived there for over 20...

Behind the scenes update #5

Ghazwan's story will soon be available in Spanish! A warm thank you to Professor Patricia Quezada and her students at UNIACC University, in Santiago, Chile. As part of the student's final degree projects, they provide pro-bono subtitles for selected films. They prioritize independent films (like ours), who often struggle with having a budget...

Our 6th Award!

We've received our 6th film festival award! The Celebration of Courage Award for Outstanding Documentary Film is the highest award from OUT HERE NOW: the Kansas City LGBT Film Festival! Screening details below. We are grateful for the wonderful community of support that has emerged around Ghazwan's story and thankful that we can...

Behind the scenes update #4

We just passed a major milestone - we have finally released the film for educational distribution! This was a challenging learning process for us. Huge thanks to Associate Producer, Kat Cole for helping drive this along and keeping us on time and Assistant Editor, Scott Schwerdtfeger for helping tackle some technical snafus! Also, thanks...

Community Spotlight: ASHEq

As many of you know from the film, Ghazwan is active in our local LGBTQ community, founding and organizing ASHEq. Ghazwan hosts ongoing events for the Middle East North Africa LGBTQ community in San Francisco and the Bay Area. ASHEq first started in November 2014 at a small neighborhood club in SF with...

Behind the scenes update #3

Associate Producer Kat Cole and I are working hard to prep the film for DVD production and to launch a summer campaign to bring the film to universities and colleges. We are finalizing all the assets for the DVD and educational streaming, which includes things like Closed Captioning and even Spanish subtitles! Thanks...

Best Documentary Award!

This past weekend was full of exciting SOLD OUT screenings at the Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival and the Sonoma International Film Festival. Thank you to everyone who joined us at the screenings and to everyone who worked to make these festivals such a success! Extra special thanks to our hosts Gary & Claudia! We're excited to...