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12, Some Streeet, 12550 New York, USA
(+44) 871.075.0336
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Behind the scenes update #3

Associate Producer Kat Cole and I are working hard to prep the film for DVD production and to launch a summer campaign to bring the film to universities and colleges. We are finalizing all the assets for the DVD and educational streaming, which includes things like Closed Captioning and even Spanish subtitles! Thanks...

Best Documentary Award!

This past weekend was full of exciting SOLD OUT screenings at the Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival and the Sonoma International Film Festival. Thank you to everyone who joined us at the screenings and to everyone who worked to make these festivals such a success! Extra special thanks to our hosts Gary & Claudia! We're excited to...

3 Festival Screenings This Weekend!

Our 2019 screenings continue with 3 different festivals this weekend! This Saturday we'll be sharing the film in Philadelphia at qFlix and at the Sonoma Film Festival. Then on Sunday, we head to the Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival. Director Erin Palmquist and special guests will be at both of the California screenings - so please say hello...